Color & Vastu sastra | Importance of Color | Effect

Color and Vastu       

Importance of color - Vastu vieww
Color & Vastu - importance & benefits


          Color has different importance based on his effect on human mind and thoughts. Vastu means the Rules that should be followed for creating/arranging the living place and sorroundings.

          Without color, the life of human being is unfilled. Color attracts human beings. Color brings different thoughts on the mind of the people. It gives good or bad thoughts. Colorful flower attracts us to itself. Colorful dress also attracts us. A person wearing a charming dress makes us to get attracted and feel happy.

          Color gives happiness and freshness in our mind. The nature is full of colors. The nature attracts us because of it's different and types of color with it. Nature has given birth to color. And we are always attracted and feel peaceful with the nature. Without color, or colorless things or places are not attractive. Different color attracts different people. Different people are affected by different colors differently.

          With use of proper color, there can be increase in love, affection in the family. There can be balance in the thoughts of human being by use of proper color. Color brings peace and use of proper color can keep environment fresh and peaceful. Also color brings confidence and curiocity. Different color affects human beings differently. As per Vastu, the importance of color is immense in life. There should be proper analysis before decorating the sorroundings. This gives more importance on the effect of color in Vastu sastra.

          Color of Rudraksha do have importance to certain extent. The quality of rudraksha beads are reflected with it's color (rudraksha color) . But finding proper color of rudraksha and it's benefits are difficult becuase of the way of storage of rudraksha beads by the suppliers.


By Sashmita Sahoo Email:

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