How to deal with Negative Emotions

Preventive Steps For Negative Emotions

By Diptimayee parida | bangalore August 22, 2017

A person feels different types of emotions like happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, nervousness, anxiety etc. In everyday life we feel such type of positive and negative emotions. The negative emotions are very hard and sad to deal with, but these are a part like the positive ones. So it is very important to handle the negativity for better life.

In this article we are showing some methods to handle negative emotions.


1- It is very important to stop noticing how the emotion affects your behavior. In your sad time you may listen sad music, crying or sleeping on the bed. On the other hand it is same in positive emotions. You may sing, dance, smile or feeling excited. So it is very necessary to recognize your behaviour.


2- Emotions never stick around always. It lasts for some period. When we are good, it doesn’t mean we are good always or when we are bad, we aren’t bad always. Like that when we feel something negative, make sure to mind that it won’t last forever, just like physical pain. This is also right in positive emotions. It isn’t necessary to remind every day.


negative emotion


3- Don’t blame yourself or anyone for emotions, just try to find its root and solve it. Whatever it is, it may be something huge like death of a friend or family member, try to identify. If it is more than one, find all the causes of emotions.


4- You must accept your emotion. You may be love or hate it . You never change it. You have to live with it.  So it is very important to accept it. You are feeling whatever you are supposed to feel. That will be sure helping you.


5- If you are feeling negative emotions, there may be a reason for it. Take the steps for handling it and move on. But don’t ignore it. Flea it in your brain and you can retrieve any useful information.


6- Exercise and relaxations lowers the stress and allow you to cope better with negative emotions.

But if we allow our emotions to swing us around widely, we all end up our relationship. We have to control and handle it for our future positive emotions.


diptimayee parida

Diptimayee parida India

Contributor at Ommrudraksha

Diptimayee parida is a writer and Story teller. A Social activist.Connect with her at LinkedIn.

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