Blog posts of '2018' 'November'

The right handed conch - shankh in pujas
The right handed conch - shankh in pujas
In Hindu rituals shankh is blown for the announcement of a prayer begins and the sound usher freshness and new hope. Ankh literally means pacifying the inauspicious. The origin of conch shell took place during the samudra manthan. It is believed that during samudra manthan the first conch shell appeared and followed by goddess Lakshmi.
How to Gain Poise: The Gate to Spirit
How to Gain Poise: The Gate to Spirit
In the midst of life's chaos, finding peace and balance seems like a distant dream. But, what if you could unlock the gate to spiritual growth and discover the secret to lasting calm? Poise is the key that unlocks the door to a more mindful, centered, and fulfilling life. In this journey
The Power of Sunlight: How it Affects Aging and Overall Health
The Power of Sunlight: How it Affects Aging and Overall Health
As we age, our bodies undergo a multitude of changes, from wrinkles and gray hair to decreased energy and vitality. But what if we told you that there's a simple, natural way to slow down the aging process and even reverse some of its effects? It's not a fancy cream or a pricey procedure, but something as accessible as sunlight. Yes, you read that right – sunlight! The same stuff that gives us warmth and light can also have a profound impact on our health and well-being as we age.