Mahakali aradhana or worship - Sadhana for realization


Worship Maa Mahakali
    KALI MAA IS THE SUPREME POWER AND WORSHIP OR Sadhana of Mahakali is very worth blessed. One who devote his mind and soul with pure heart, do Mahakali worshiping within prescribed road of performing puja then Maa Mahakali will adore you, bless you, put fortunes of put before you and will make your way clear, smooth and charmingly fortuned. 
    This puja is for them who are been troubled enough by enemies, not getting enough power to perform a big project, troubled by misfortunes of planets and so many to describe.
maa kali
    The answer is here that through mahakali sadhana one can realize and see how their enemies get defeated and surrender. The blessing of mahakali is so amazingly strong that devotee’s eyes sparkle with the power of Samohan sakti and face glows with glory. We are writing this for the benefits’ of devotees after long term shidhi and sadhana. This sadhana and worshiping of Mahakali is done mysteriously and secretly which can make the devotee untouchable owner of godly power.
    Before Mahakali sadhana one should understand its importance, inherent power, functions and guidelines then he can overcome from pain, planetary instabilities, problems and financial depreciation.
    The devotee should be very dedicated while performing this puja and should not be afraid while performing this puja. Mahakali destroyed the evil spirited Madhukaitav demon and brings end to many demons on the earth by taking the role of Chamunda(wearing many demon heads scull.). Only pure spiritual devotees of mahakali can get bleshed and their enemies are   destroyed and vanished.
    Mahakali stotra or mantra is chanted only in the darkest night of Amabasya. (If you hear the gigantic and fearsome laugh outside then you should not panic but patiently finish the jaap or chanting of mantra under the foots of Mahakali).
The mantra or sloka is described as follows-
Mantra- omm thring thring thring hling hling krang spotaya thring thring thring faaat !!
Many things get solved by chanting the above mantra.  Following things can be achieved by the sadhana of mahakali.
First Prayoga
This part can bring full power of youthfulness and beauty as Rusi munies or ancient priests have exercised, this has been written and guided. 
  1. First of all collect all the ingredients needed for the puja.
  2. Put the mahakali photo on a wooden stool.
  3. Rap the mahakali photo from all sides with red colour cloth.
  4. Worn the kali hakik mala on Mahakali photo.
  5. Draw the mahakali yantra by red color sindur on a cupper plate
  6. Do puja by pancha Prasad.
  7. After that take the hakik mala from the photo of mahakali and put this on mahakali yantra drawn on the cupper plate. 
  8. Put the cupper plate on a red cloth.
  9. Wear and put a 108 beads pure rudraksha mala in the neck. Then chant mahakali mantra (described above) by kali sidhi spatik mala for 108 times.
  10. After the worship of mahakali yantra chant mahakali mantra for 11 malas i.e 108* 11 times only at night and on darkest amabasya night.
  11. Do remember to put two ladoos (bhog) for puja in front of yantra from which one need to be thrown outside after samarpan of bhog and the other ladoo need to be taken by you.
 By doing this puja and sadhana devotee achieves financial strength,recovery from pain and suffering, and for most beauty.
 Do this prayoga for six days from Amabasya. After completion of all puja and sadhana throw the puja items in the flowing water in a river. 

By Himanshu Nayak

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