God Realization - A Journey of Spiritual Growth

God Realization - A Journey of Spiritual Growth

Realizing self and the God


Have you ever wondered about the true nature of existence and your place in the universe? The journey to self-discovery and God realization is a profound and transformative experience. In this blog, we'll explore the path to realizing one's highest self and the infinite power of God.
Self realisation to god


The Journey to God Realization

Understanding God Realization

God realization is the experience of God's infinite power, knowledge, and bliss. It requires humility and the willingness to let go of ego. When one identifies with their highest self and remains in that consciousness, they can manifest God realization at will.

A soul that believes God, experiences God’s infinite power, knowledge and bliss continuously, is called God realization. When one realizes the God, he has to be very humble on it. The ego keeps the person from the state of consciousness. When one can identify with one’s highest self and remain in that consciousness forever, one can reveal and manifest it at one’s own command that is God realization. 

A person in a state of enlightenment

The Spiritual Journey

The soul's cosmic journey begins in purity. In Hinduism, the first step towards self-realization is claiming one's identity as a spiritual being. Traveling the spiritual path is essential for our atman, not our mortal human form. Assisting our soul in reaching its cosmic end is our duty.

When a soul started its cosmic journey, it was totally pure. In Hinduism, the first step towards realizing the self is claiming one’s identity as a spiritual being, a divine soul. Travelling spiritual path is essential for our atman...never the mortal human form. Assisting our soul for reaching cosmic end is our duty.
The Path to God Realization

Reaching God requires pure spirituality, the path of jnana yoga, and real wisdom. Visiting temples or performing rituals is not enough. Self-realization, as described by great souls like Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna, is the key. Questioning the source of thoughts and seeking their root is essential.
It doesn’t matter how many times we visit temples or church, or how many deeps we took in sacred Ganga river. The almighty can be only reached by the pure spirituality, path of jnana yoga and path of real wisdom.
The best way to attain God realization is attaining self-realization as described by the great soul like Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna. Each time one gets any other thought, one is required to carefully question, “From where does this thought arise” and seek its root. The same also mentioned in suta Samhita of skanda purana of Hinduism.
The Goal of Creation

The ultimate goal of creation is the happiness of God realization. This happiness is worth all physical and mental sufferings in the universe. God realization is self-sustained, eternally fresh, and indescribable.

Finding God Within

When you realize God, you find Him within your own being. God dwells within each one of us, but we must practice spiritual disciplines to realize the infinite God.
The goal of all creation is the happiness of god realization. The actual happiness which comes by realizing god is worth all physical and mental sufferings in universe. Then every suffering is as if it were not. The god realization is self-sustained, eternally fresh and unfailing, and indescribable.

So when you realize god you find him within your own being. The fact is that god dwells within each one of us, but we are not all dwelling god. So we have to be inside of religion and practice spiritual disciplines to realize the infinite God.
The Role of Ego in Spiritual Growth: The ego is a major obstacle on the path to spiritual growth. It creates a sense of separation and prevents us from experiencing our true nature. Overcoming ego requires humility, self-awareness, and a willingness to let go of attachments.

The Importance of Spiritual Disciplines: Spiritual disciplines, such as meditation and self-inquiry, are essential for achieving God realization. They help us quiet the mind, focus our attention, and experience our true nature.

The Connection between Self-Realization and God Realization: Self-realization is the foundation of God realization. When we realize our true nature, we can experience the infinite power of God. Self-realization is not a destination but a journey, and God realization is the ultimate goal.
The journey to God realization is a lifelong path of self-discovery and spiritual growth. May this blog inspire you to embark on your own journey and experience the infinite power of God.

Ready to start your journey to God realization? Explore our resources and courses to deepen your understanding of self-realization and spiritual growth.
by Rashmita Nayak
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