10 mukhi rudraksha | About ten face bead

About 10 mukhi rudraksha

About Ten mukhi rudraksha  

10 mukhi rudraksha

10 Mukhi rudraksha is Vishnu (preserver-Destroys all kinds of spirits, demons and other strange spirits). The ten faced rudraksha bead is not having a ruling planet. This 10 mukhi rudraksha has a strong positive effect on the negative planetary effects, evil force, setbacks, miseries and earthly suffering. The ruling master of this 10 mukhi rudraksha gem is Lord Mahavishnu, preserver of the universe. The 10 Mukhi rudraksha beads are used to cure diseases such as hormonal imbalance in the body, mental instability, whooping cough, blood and skin problems, etc. These gems should be worn by those who have a short fuse and those affected by evil eye or black magic. The ten Mukhi bead provide good nature, wealth and prosperity to the wearer.

Represents lord vishnu

This 10 faced bead represents the Lord Vishnu. It helps the user to overcome difficult times and ensures that wearer and the family of the wearer is protected. It creates a sense of security.Wearer protected from the influence of evil spirit, ghosts and black magic. Recommended to calm the nine planets.

10 mukhi Nepali rudraksha product page
10 mukhi Nepali rudraksha bead
Indonesian 10 mukhi rudraksha bead is equally powerful
10 mukhi Indonesian rudraksha bead
What astro benefits does 10 mukhi bead gives
Astrological significance of 10 mukhi rudraksha
Read and know about all Nepali rudraksha beads
Rudraksha beads
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6/13/2012 6:16 PM
Das mukhi is generally worn for people who have constant fear or those who get fear that there is not proper feeling outside. For such people it is most suited. This bead was suggested for my wife who always feels insecure and not fine thinking of something different done from other people which i feel was just a weird thought.

After wearing this bead, my wife felt calm and much of the time got good sleep after.