Red Coral - Gemstone of mars

Red Coral

Red coral is the gem stone of is red color opaque gem stone.
  • Chemical Formula: CaC03
  • Specific Gravity :2.6 ­to 2.8
  • Hardness : 3.5 to 4
  • Refractive Index : 1.486 to 1.658
  • Density: 2.65

Who can wear Red coral

1) People having Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces ascendant in their birth chart can wear Red coral after consultation of astrologer.

2) People having moon sign having Aries and Scorpio can wear Red coral after consultation of astrologer.

3) Red coral is also beneficial for the people who are wrestler, army officers, spots man, who have blood related disease, mechanical & electrical engineers

red coral gemstone

1 - Chemical composition

The chemical composition for the natural Red Coral is CaCO3

By Kumud Ranjan

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