The right handed conch - shankh in pujas

The right handed conch - shankh in pujas

The right handed conch

In the realm of Hindu mythology, a rare and sacred treasure has been revered for centuries - the right-handed conch shell. This natural wonder is prized for its unique shape and profound spiritual significance. Legends speak of its mighty power to purify the mind, body, and soul. As we delve into the mystique of the right-handed conch shell, let us uncover the secrets of this ancient symbol of prosperity and good fortune.

Right handed conch

The Legend of the Right-Handed Conch Shell

In Hindu rituals shankh is blown for the announcement of a prayer begins and the sound usher freshness and new hope. Ankh literally means pacifying the inauspicious. The origin of conch shell took place during the samudra manthan. It is believed that during samudra manthan the first conch shell appeared and followed by goddess Lakshmi. People usually used shankh in pujas. Water collected in shankh is usually offered to the sun while worshiping sun.

Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna holding a conch shell, highlighting its significance in Hindu mythology

The Rarity and Unique Features of the Right-Handed Conch Shell

There are two types of conch shell is available. Left handed conch shell and right-handed conch shell. Valampuri shankh or right handed shankh is considered auspicious. The right-handed conch shell is very rarely found. This is the shell of a large sea snail which found in Indian ocean, between Myanmar all the way to Sri Lanka. Valampuri with five folds in its cavity is known as panchjanya and very rarely found. Completely snow-white conch shells are very expensive and rare. Giant Valampuri are more than 5 kgs.

The Spiritual Importance of Shankha in Hinduism

The Lakshmi conch is very important for worshiping maa Lakshmi. By worshiping this conch people gets blessings, prosperity and wealth. It is very wonderful in vastu purposes getting high positive energies. Keeping this shankh in office will bring success in the business. By worshiping it at home brings a peaceful family atmosphere. It is believed that it solves all problems related money and wealth. Right handed conch shell has a closed mouth, so it is not emitting any sound but only worshipped.

person holding a right-handed conch shell, symbolizing its possession and blessings

The Benefits of Possessing a Right-Handed Conch Shell

As it is very rare, it is very difficult to buy the original right-handed conch shell. There are many fake dakshinavarti shankh are available in market. Many shankh dealers try to cover the defects in shankh with cement like powder and sell it. These types should be avoided. Natural dakshinavarti shankh can be purchased by divine temples.

The Purifying Power of the Shankha: A Symbol of Good Fortune

In conclusion, the right-handed conch shell is a treasured gem in Hindu mythology, embodying the essence of spiritual growth, prosperity, and good fortune. Its significance extends far beyond its physical form, resonating with the divine vibrations of the universe. As we cherish this sacred object, may its blessings permeate our lives, guiding us toward a path of righteousness, peace, and enlightenment.

conch shell being used in a Hindu ritual or ceremony, showcasing its importance in religious practices

The Role of the Right-Handed Conch Shell in Hindu Rituals and Ceremonies

Experience the transformative power of the right-handed conch shell for yourself. Visit our temple or online store to acquire this sacred treasure, and embark on a journey of spiritual awakening. Let the divine energy of the Shankha guide you toward a life of purpose, prosperity, and inner peace. Embrace the blessings of this ancient symbol, and let its significance resonate in your heart forever.

Child holidng a conch in hand

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7/6/2020 10:17 AM
I am looking for a right handed conch. Where it is available. please guide me