Remedy for Planets | Remedy for Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

Friday, July 29, 2011
astrological remedy for planets
Astro Article

How to get astrological remedies for different planets ?

We are discussing about the remedies that is possible as per Hindu astrology for planets like Moon, Mars, Mercury & Jupiter. Please read through the notes described for individual planets below.

astrological remedy for planet moon

Moon: humor of the Moon (Monday). Donate a bead (or moonstone) for a female leader on Monday evening, whereas reciting the Chandra seed mantra:

Om SRAM SRIM sraum Sah chandraya Namah --- 11 times

RESULTS: the planetary deity Chandra is happy increasing mental health and peace of mind.

astrological remedy for planet mars

Mars (Tuesday). To donate a red coral to a celibate on Tuesday at lunch time, while the reciting Mangala seed mantra:

Om HUG krim kraum Sah bhaumaya Namah --- 19 times

RESULTS: the planetary deity Mangala is happy to increase the determination and drive of, and the protect from violence 

astrological remedy for planet mercury

Mercury: Animals Mercury (Wednesday). Donating emerald (or a nice green pearl tourmaline) to a poor student on Wednesday at whereas reciting the Budha seed mantra:

Om Bram brim Braum Sah budhaya Namah --- 9 times

RESULTS: the planetary deity Budha is glad to increase the health and intelligence. Relief of nervous disorders caused by an badly positioned Budha-grahadev.

astrological remedy for planet jupiter

JUPITER: Events of Jupiter (Thursday). Donating yellow sapphire (or other yellow bead yellow topaz) to a Brahmin (Vedic priest) on Thursday morning, whereas reciting the Guru seed mantra:
Om gram grim graum Sah gurave Namah --- 19 times

RESULTS: the planetary deity Brihaspati is happy increases the satisfaction and facilitating marriage and childbirth, and family harmony. Reduction in disease caused by an badly positioned Jupiter.