Wednesday, February 5, 2025 3:16:34 PM

Are mudra are that beneficial against certain diseases as claimed ?

2 years ago
#8314 Quote
Are mudra are that beneficial against certain diseases as claimed ?
2 years ago
#8317 Quote
My view on mudra and diseases are positive.🎥

Are mudras truly viable against specific sicknesses as guaranteed and provided that this is true, has anybody truly benefitted by doing mudras?💅

A Disease in Yoga is only, imbalance/unevenness of the five components.🪙

Each and everyone is comprised of this five components despite being any ethnicity, station, doctrine, orientation, and religion, regardless of whether you trust any of this.🔋

The five components are🎙️


So in the event that you put right these five components, you are in sound position, regardless of what your sickness is.🌚

So all you want is to utilize the right mudras
2 years ago
#8318 Quote
🐔one more point is

Well a considerable lot of Indian old sanctuaries are comprised of sculptures which holds many number of hand motions or mudras.💎🐴💆‍♂️

Explicitly and continually exuding high measure of prana helping whoever visits the Temple.⛩️

The thoughts of building such sanctuaries is to help the entire mankind.🛕

In a manner the sanctuaries are only profoundly charged place unveiling the general in sound wellbeing gradually and consistently.🏯

There are numerous different things used to upgrade the Energy inside the sanctuary like utilizing explicit sort of metals.🕍