Sunday, February 23, 2025 9:38:40 AM

Want to know the actual meaning of chakras?

2 years ago
#8268 Quote
What are the chakras and what will be the actual meaning of it. Let me know the actual meaning of chakras?
2 years ago
#8269 Quote
Hi, Prior to understanding the importance, we first need to know the genuine significance of Chakras. From the Muladhar to the Sahasrar Chakra, there are 7 joint parts in our spine. Yogis have portrayed these Sapt-Chakras as Lotus, however there are a few nerves which are spread from every single joint to different pieces of the body. This large number of nerves look like the Lotus and in the event that researchers endeavor to chalk out the life structures of the human body, they will see this multitude of nerves as Lotus. Thus, this deductively demonstrates the presence of Chakras in our bodies

2 years ago
#8271 Quote
Have read more about chakras, have read some of the proof for chakras, but not able to remember them, definitely some proof exists