Truly, you can wear Rudraksha and Tulsi mala together. Rudraksha deals with the Chakras in a particular way to advance recuperating and energy. Tulsi dabs advantage the wearer in an alternate manner, advancing refinement and sativc inclinations.
The main thing you would feel in the wake of wearing tulasi mala is that you feel secured and centered.
You can check the advantages of wearing rudraksha mala at Is it fitting to wear distinctive mukhi rudraksha beads?
There is no Vedic directive on utilizing Rudraksha and tulsi together. The main thing you should guarantee is that your japa mala ought not be worn on the body and the other way around. This is on the grounds that the reason for a japa mala is not the same as a mala worn on the body.
Tulsi is an awesome source to manage mental issue of present day life, you can likewise utilize tulsi mala for profound reflection reason. One can set up his/her very own tulsi mala purchasing tulsi mala on the web