Sunday, February 23, 2025 4:09:39 PM

Cleaning of Rudraksha - Best way to clean rudraksha

13 years ago
#16 Quote

    I have been wearing rudraksha from many years. I would like to know the best process to keep the rudraksha beads clean. What will be the best way to clean the beads regularly without affecting the quality of the beads. Please suggest me the best practices for this.

Abhishek Manchanda
13 years ago
#19 Quote
I always use pure sandalwood oil. And that too i do energized during worshiping. I use sandal paste, dhoop and agarbati.
13 years ago
#20 Quote
Also i read the document for how to wear rudraksha. wrote:
I always use pure sandalwood oil. And that too i do energized during worshiping. I use sandal paste, dhoop and agarbati.
13 years ago
#22 Quote
I too find that there used to be deposits on the rudraksha bead after prolonged wearing. It can be cleaned by soaking it overnight. Then it can be brushed and cleaned. It will clean the oil deposits and other black deposits on the beads. If it does not remove the deposits properly then we can mix natural hail cleaning ingredients like Ritha. Ritha will work like soaps and be better compared to market available soap powers.
13 years ago
#23 Quote wrote:
I too find that there used to be deposits on the rudraksha bead after prolonged wearing. It can be cleaned by soaking it overnight. Then it can be brushed and cleaned. It will clean the oil deposits and other black deposits on the beads. If it does not remove the deposits properly then we can mix natural hail cleaning ingredients like Ritha. Ritha will work like soaps and be better compared to market available soap powers.

Sometimes i do not get the beads to get cleaned with overnight soaking in ritha. In those cases, i would suggest for couple of overnight soakings and then brushing to clean the deposits on the beads.

The beads can be put in luke warm water after brushing to clean the remaining oil deposits.
13 years ago
#32 Quote
Rudraksha can be cleaned with warm coconut oil and soap ?
13 years ago
#40 Quote
I do not think cleaning with hot oil will be feasible. As oil is very sticky.
13 years ago
#77 Quote
Oil will make the bead more greasy. But oil keeps the beads in perfect condition. Still we are trying to clean the oil here. So putting again on oil is not necessary to clean the beads.
12 years ago
#150 Quote
Better way of cleaning the rudraksha beads are as below.

- First after getting the good rudraksha bead, clean it with a brush.
- The bead should bring a good shine after cleaning with soft brush.
- then it can be put inside sandalwood oil for full one day.
- Remove the bead from oil and keep it for the oil to flow down.
- Again the bead can be wiped with excess oil and can be again brushed for further shine.

- Now you will have the best looking and colored rudraksha bead, ready for wearing.
5 years ago
#7550 Quote
It is ideal to absorb a tepid water for at any rate 30 minutes. At that point clean with the delicate plastic fibers of another different toothbrush in every one of the cleft of the dot with an Indian Soap nut squeeze or powder (which is a characteristic chemical) of the soil which aggregated on the dab.