Sunday, February 23, 2025 9:10:16 AM

What Benefits of rudraksha for memory power. Does it help ?

12 years ago
#200 Quote
I would like to know the benefits of the rudraksha beads for getting memory power.

Currently i have been feeling that my memory power and concentration power towards daily studies are not that much helping me out.

The memory power to remember things and then applying them seems not that much effective for them.

I study a lot and feel that i always forget them.

Mostly i forget them that much that i do not get remind when i really need that.

I came across the articles on rudraksha beads.

Got touched by the effect and power of these beads.

Want to know - Does it help to bring better memory power ?
12 years ago
#201 Quote
Rudraksha wearing gives kundalini jatrithi. The spiritual uplift after wearing rudraksha is fater after wearing the beads.

This all happens because the importance of beads towards our mind coolness and concentration is enhanced.

The enhanced concentration power and the coolness in mind and thoughts really help us to achieve anything in life.

This gives us positiveness and better thinking power.

And remember, all these give us better utilization power of our intellectuals.

The memory power is immediately enhanced. After a week long of wearing, you can understand that you have become cool and intelligent.

This helps a lot for learning and wisdom.
12 years ago
#203 Quote
The 1 mukhi rudraksha or 3 mukhi or 4 mukhi or 5 mukhi beads work better for bringing memory power and concentration.

A combination of these work much better.

Before wearing such combinations, it is better to take rudraksha recommendation prior to deciding which one to wear.

It is observed that the mental tensions and physical issues with the wearer gets lesser with the wearing of the beads. Along with the peace the wearer feels higher level of confidence and better energy with time.

For students, it is always recommended to wear rudraksha mala for better health, wealth and concentration.

the saraswati mala is much preferred mala in students section.
4 years ago
#8066 Quote
I have same problem since childhood. The things i see or listen or read seems gone somewhere & i couldn't figure where that resides.
What i remember is just natural I can't go & memorize what i want its very difficult.
So I looked it as a root issue rather than quick fix.
I have so far looked it from spiritual aspect & ayurvedic aspect.
Ayurvedic aspect i have vaat& pitta unbalanced.
So memory & mind/thoughts has to do with stomach also.
Now i got to know clearing/digestion is important for mind/thoughts or memory . So i guess i got pretty messed up with stomach,vata,pitta, ayurvedic,spiritual because of memory.

Lets see i am focused on pitta balance(stomach fire) which will clear thoughts than inturn might improve memory. Also before directly knowing brain & memory clearing stomach is very important as i learned thoughts start from uncleared stomach, so mind/thoughts are from stomach & brain.

😄 It's messed up but will clear it out.
4 years ago
#8067 Quote
And rudraksha i had combinations 1st then i removed few and added others again removed few added new. Now finally i realized what i need & what i wear were different so that didn't eventually work for me.
So selection should be accordingly what i want,think & what i do/or like to do.