In the realm of Rudraksha, the Trijuti bead is a sacred and rare treasure. This extraordinary 17 Mukhi Trijuti Rudraksha is believed to embody the energies of spiritual growth, self-awareness, and enlightenment.
Sacred Significance:
In Hindu mythology, the Trijuti Rudraksha is said to represent the three aspects of the Supreme Being: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. It's believed to bring the wearer closer to the divine, fostering a deeper sense of connection and unity.
17 Mukhi Trijuti Rudraksha: A rare and sacred variety of Rudraksha, believed to embody the energies of spiritual growth and self-awareness.
Nepali Origin: Sourced from the renowned Rudraksha plantations of Nepal, ensuring authenticity and quality.
Without Capping: Offered without capping to preserve the bead's natural essence and spiritual energy.
39mm Size: Measures 39mm in size, making it a substantial and impressive piece.
Brown Color: Displays a rich, brown color, characteristic of high-quality Nepali Rudraksha.
Lab and X-ray Reports: Accompanied by lab and X-ray reports, guaranteeing the bead's authenticity and quality.
Spiritual Growth: Believed to facilitate intense spiritual growth, self-awareness, and enlightenment.
Self-Awareness: Said to promote self-awareness, helping the wearer to understand their true nature and purpose.
Protection: Thought to offer protection from negative energies, promoting a sense of safety and well-being.