Ganesha Vighneswara - Prosperity god
In our Hindu religion many epics and holy books are there to motivate us to walk on the divine path of life. All epic have written by our ancient society loving people. They wanted to contribute some necessary wisdom for the people and for the next generation through this concept. It is seen that the entire story was made by us with deliverance and scientifically for comfortable living and make foundation for spiritual culture.
As far as the lord Ganesh is concerned, he is the deity of knowledge and good luck. Ganesh is the younger son of lord Shiva who is the deity of destruction. Lord Ganesh is also called Vinayak i.e. knowledge or Vighneswar i.e. remover of all obstacles. Ganesh is always worshiped in the beginning of any auspicious occasion. Without the blessing and help of lord Ganesh any work is supposed to be unsuccessful that why the idol of Ganesh is normally placed at the main door of every house and office. Ganesh's four hands represent four different things. A hand carrying a rope represents to carry devotees to the trust, a hand carrying an axe represents to cut devotees attachments to the Maya, a hand carrying sweet represents to reward devotees for spiritual activities and the fourth hand is always intend to bless people. A unique combination of his elephant like head and quick moving tiny mouse vehicle represents excellent wisdom for intelligence and presence of mind.
Once the lord Shiva wanted to test the IQ between his two sons, lord Ganesh and lord Kartika. The one who will visit all over the world first and return to Shiva first will be rewarded. As soon as Father Shiva declared this, Kartik started visiting the world with his bahan peacock while Lord Ganesh thought it will be too difficult to cover the world with his tiny bahan Musik (mouse). He implemented his own IQ and again thought that parents are everything to him. Father is more powerful than sky and mother is more powerful than earth. So both are equivalent within whole galaxy. He did not want to move around the world because of his splendid and advance thought. The he moved around his father and mother. This is a great learning lesson/ wisdom to the world to respect their father and mother. Those people who are not giving the respect to their parents, they never gets the grace and blessing of lord Ganesh, it’s just an inexcusable mistake. Lord Ganesh proven and alerted through his own story to the whole member of society that who will worship and take care of their parents or living Gods like "father and mother" obediently, they will be free from obstacles through his blessing.
Jay Ganesha Deva.