In the realm of Rudraksha, the Gauri Shankar bead is a sacred symbol of the divine union between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. This extraordinary 21 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is believed to embody the energies of harmony, balance, and unity.
Sacred Significance:
In Hindu mythology, the Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is said to represent the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It's believed to bring the wearer closer to the divine, fostering a deeper sense of connection and unity.
21 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha: A sacred and rare variety of Rudraksha, believed to embody the energies of harmony and balance.
Nepali Origin: Sourced from the renowned Rudraksha plantations of Nepal, ensuring authenticity and quality.
Gold Capping: Features 916 hallmark gold capping, 5gram gold used, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the bead.
34mm Size: Measures 34mm in size, making it a substantial and impressive piece.
Brown Color: Displays a rich, brown color, characteristic of high-quality Nepali Rudraksha.
Lab and X-ray Reports: Accompanied by lab and X-ray reports, guaranteeing the bead's authenticity and quality.
Harmony and Balance: Believed to bring harmony and balance to the wearer's life, fostering a deeper sense of connection and unity.
Spiritual Growth: Said to facilitate spiritual growth, self-awareness, and enlightenment.
Protection: Thought to offer protection from negative energies, promoting a sense of safety and well-being.