Rules for Wearing Rudraksha

Rules for Wearing Rudraksha

Wearer should make sure of the type of Rudraksha which is most suitable for him
rudraksha wearing rules

Rudraksha is a divine gift from Lord Shiva to the mankind. Rudraksha helps human being to combat miseries and sorrows. These divine beads can be worn by any body irrespective of age, sex, caste, creed, culture and location. Certain precautions may be taken while using Rudraksha.


1.    Wearer should make sure of the type of Rudraksha which is most suitable for him. Wearer may analyze his zodiac sign, problems or desires for which rudraksha is required.


2. While Purchasing Rudraksha wearer should make sure that he is purchasing genuine Rudraksha only otherwise he will not get the desirable effects.Purchase  Rudraksha from the authentic source ( is the most trusted and No-1 Certified Rudraksha supplier) and not from any street vendors.


Please click on the link to read more on Rules for Wearing Rudraksha.

Written by Rashmita Nayak 


By Rashmita Nayak Email:

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