Nakshatra - 2 - Arrangement in the Zodiac

Arrangement in the Zodiac       *STAR*... *STAR*... *ASTRO STAR*






To Understand Every Star individually we must have a basic clarity on their arrangement in the Zodiac….
As discussed in the last article we have 27 Stars, which are arranged to form a zodiac.

Stars are as below:
Let us understand about each star in depth in the coming articles

  1. Ashwini
  2. Bharani
  3. Kṛittika
  4. Rohini
  5. Mrigashīrsha
  6. Ārdrā
  7. Punarvasu
  8. Pushya
  9. Asleshā
  10. Maghā
  11. Purva phalguni
  12. Uttar phalguni
  13. Hasta
  14. Chitta
  15. Swathi
  16. Vishakha
  17. Anuradha
  18. Jyeshtha
  19. Mula
  20. Purva ashadha
  21. Uttarashadha
  22. Sravana
  23. Dhanishta
  24. Satabhisha
  25. Purva bhadrapada
  26. Uttar bhadrapada
  27. Revati

And we also deduced and concluded as below

Each star is 13Deg and 20Min
Each sign is 30Degrees
Each Pada is 3Deg and 20Min
And finally Whole zodiac is 360 Degree


So Let us first see the Names given to each of the 12Signs

star Aries

Aries - Mesha

Stars Composed of: Ashwini - 1,2,3,4 Bharani 1,2,3,4 Krithika -1
Owned By MARS
Nature - Fiery
Degrees - 0 Deg to 30Deg


star taurus

Taurus - Vrishabha

Stars Composed of: Krithika -2, 3, 4 Rohini -1, 2, 3, 4 Mrigasira -1, 2
Owned By Venus
Nature - Earthy
Degrees - 30 Deg to 60Deg


star gemini

Gemini - Mithuna

Stars Composed of: Mrigasira - 3, 4 Arudra - 1,2,3,4 Punarvasu -1, 2, 3
Owned By Mercury
Nature - Airy
Degrees - 60 Deg to 90Deg


star cancer

Cancer - Karkataka

Stars Composed of: Punarvasu - 4 Pushyami - 1,2,3,4 Aslesha - 1,2,3,4
Owned By Moon (The Queen)
Nature - Watery
Degrees - 90 Deg to 120Deg


star leo

Leo - Simha

Stars Composed of: Makha - 1,2,3,4 Pubba - 1,2,3,4 Uttaraphalguni -1
Owned By Sun (The King)
Nature - Fiery
Degrees - 120 Deg to 150 Deg


star kanya

Virgo - Kanya

Stars Composed of:  Uttaraphalguni -2, 3, 4 Hasta -1, 2, 3, 4 Chitha - 1, 2
Nature - Earthy
Degrees - 150 Deg to 180Deg


star libra

Libra - Tula

Stars Composed of: Chitha - 3, 4 Swathi - 1,2,3,4 Visakha -1, 2, 3
Owned By VENUS
Nature - AIRY
Degrees - 180 Deg to 210 Deg


star scorpio

Scorpio - Vrischika

Stars Composed of: Visakha - 4 Anuradha- 1,2,3,4 Jyesta -1, 2, 3, 4
Owned By MARS
Nature - WATERY
Degrees - 210 Deg to 2400Deg


star sagittarius

Sagittarius - Dhanussu

Stars Composed of:  Mula-1, 2, 3, 4 Purvashada1, 2, 3, 4 Utharashada -1
Nature - Fiery
Degrees - 240 Deg to 270Deg


star capricorn

Capricorn - Makara

Stars Composed of: Utharashada 2, 3, 4 Sravana-1, 2, 3, 4 Dhanista - 1, 2
Nature - Earthy
Degrees - 270 Deg to 300Deg


star sagittarius

Aquarius - Kumbha

Stars Composed of: Dhanista - 3, 4 Sathabhisha - 1,2,3,4 Purvabhadra -1, 2, 3
Nature - AIRY
Degrees - 300 Deg to 330Deg


star capricorn

Pisces - Meena

Stars Composed of: Purvabhadra-4 Utharabhadra-1, 2, 3, 4 Revathi -1, 2, 3, 4
Nature - WATERY
Degrees - 330 Deg to 360Deg



 Now we will discuss about planets and move in to stars for better understanding of the stars
Shoham sarada


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