Diamond - Gemstone of Venus


Diamond is the gem stone of venus.it is a white color transparent gem stone.
  • Chemical Formula: pure carbon
  • Density :3.15 to 3.53
  • Hardness : 10
  • Refractive Index : 2.47 to 2.475

Who can wear Diamond

1) People having Taurus Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant in their birth chart can wear Diamond after consultation of astrologer.

2) People having moon sign having Taurus and Libra can wear Diamond after consultation of astrologer.

3) Diamond is also beneficial for the people who are stage performers, artist, architect or who do any kind of design work, businessman writers managers.

Diamond gemstone

1 - Chemical composition

The chemical composition for the natural Diamond is pure carbon

Kumud Ranjan


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